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(新体)保险业开放提速! 博鳌论坛释放信号:放宽保险业外资股权比例来源:21世纪经济报道本报记者李致鸿北京报道导读“除股权比例外,对外资保险公司地域和业务范围的开放,也是重要内容。不过,外资保险公司更为关注股权比例,这是实质性门槛。”朱俊生续称。

问题十九:问题的第二部分是,为什么要这么保密尤其是当你知道科学家们普遍认为我们不应该这么做的时候?政府称是你违反了法律,如果政府知道你的计划,他们可能会说你不能做。但你还是做了。The second part of the question, was, why so much secrecy around this particularly when you know the general feeling among the scientists is that we shouldn't be doing this? Why so much secrecy from the Chinese authorities? You know the accusation now is that you have broken the law. If you had involved the Chinese authorities, they might have said you can't do it. That's how it seems, you went ahead anyway.



Regarding off-target assessment. You mentioned you did single cell whole genome sequencing. As far as I know, there is no reliable or mature technology to conduct single cell whole genome sequencing. So how did you do this? There's also consensus to not allow ... to conduct genome editing on germlines. This is the consensus of the international community including the Chinese community. I assume you were aware this was a red line. Why have you chosen to cross this red line? Why did you perform these clinical trials in secret?
